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Current Topics in Biophysics 1997 Vol.21(1)


Dobek Andrzej (red.odp.)

Subject and Keywords:



Zavodnik Ilia Ertel Danuta Bryszewska Maria Kędziora Józef - Luminol-Dependent Chemiluminescence Emitted in Reaction of Heamoglobins With T-Butyl Hydroperoxide ; Sarapuk Janusz Gabrielska Janina Przestalski Stanisław - Modification of Model Membrane by New Bifunctional Surfactants ; Płonka Przemysław M. Rakoczy Leokadia - The Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Signals of the Acellular Slime Mould Physarum Nudum Plasmodia Irradiated With White Light ; Audu Joshua K. Chapmann Ian V. - Development and Decay of Thermotolerance in Relation to Heat Shock Modification of Cell Membranes ; Pazurkiewicz-Kocot Krystyna Galas Witold - Effect of Lead on the Accumulation of Some Metals in Leaves of Zea Mays L. ; Murkowski Antoni Skórska Elżbieta - Chlorophyll Luminescence an Index of Photoinhibition Damages ; Białek-Bylka Grażyna Sofrova Danuse Skwarek Ryszard Kucera Tomas Manikowski - Energy Transfer in Cyanobacterial (Synechococcus Elongatus) Photosystem I and II ; Volotovski Igor D. Baranova Ludmila A. - The Mechanisms of Transformation of Photosignals in Visual Photoreceptor Cells ; Lenda Aneta Jóźwiak Zofia - Potentiation of Heat-Induced Hemolysis of Erythrocytes by External pH and Band 3 Protein Modifiers ; Audu Joshua K. Chapman Ian V. - Cellular Glutathione, Heat Shock Protein HSP-70 and Thermotolerance in HT29R Cells ; Koter Maria Zaborowski Andrzej - Effect of Fractioned Hyperthermia on the Morphological Parameters of Human Erythrocytes ; Filek Maria Dubert Franciszek Biesiaga-Kościelniak Jolanta Marcińska Izabela - Relationship Between Differentiation of Cells in Wheat Callus and Their Surface Potential ; Koceva-Chyła Aneta Marczak Renata Moderska Małgorzata Jóźwiak Zofia - Effect of Adriamycin on DNA Structure and Proliferation of Immortal Roden Cells ; Błasiak Janusz - Anion Transport in Erythrocyte Membrane in the Presence of an Organophosphorus Insecticide and its Methylated Homologue ; Godlewski Marek Kwiecińska Teresa Laszczka Andrzej Rajfur Zenon Sławiński Janosz Szczęśniak-Fabiańczyk Barbara Wierzuchowska Dorota - Diagnostic Value of Ultraweak Chemiluminescence of Cells Subjected to the Oxidative Stress ; Filek Maria Wędzony Maria Biesiaga-Kościelniak Jolanta Marcińska Dubert Franciszek - Relation Between the Electric Surface Potential of Callus Tissue and its Histological Structure ; Błasiak Janusz Kleinwachter Vladimir Walter Zofia Zaludova Renata - Thermodynamic and Spectroscopic Characterization of Parathion-DNA Interaction ; Tomicki Bogdan - Ion Pumps and the Resting Potential ; Suchanek Grażyna - Network Model of Radial Root Transport ; Olas Beata Wachowicz Barbara Zbikowska Halina Małgorzata - The Protective Effects of Selenite Aganist Cisplatin-Induced Inhibition of Platelet Activation


Polskie Towarzystwo Biofizyczne

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Object type:



pol ; eng

Rights Management:

Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Poznaniu ; Wydział Fizyki UAM w Poznaniu

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Rights holder:

Wydział Fizyki UAM w Poznaniu


Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Poznaniu

Location of original object:

Wydział Fizyki UAM w Poznaniu

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